Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

The 18th of March will be a memorable day for two CASP participants from two different cities; during our routine phone calls I talked to Sônia from São José and Márcia from Joinville, and they were each very eager to share that they’re getting baptized on the 18th! Through CASP, we have become good friends - always calling to see how their job search is coming and trying to do anything we can. Oddly, they don’t even know each other, but I’m happy for them both.

Okay, so last night I stayed up a little late chatting and I didn’t wake up until about 1 pm; but that doesn’t mean my day wasn’t productive. By 2 I was at the SRE office helping the Cossios and trying to get in touch with Humberto, the Porto Alegre director. Unfortunately, for the 2nd day in a row, we couldn’t get a hold of him.

After typing a few things I ran to get a bite to eat and bought some Cds – I told Avaí F.C. that I’d send them the pictures ASAP. Before running to the post office I stopped by the office to make sure everything was going good. By 5 pm I was at the post office; luckily the Brazilian postal service works until 6pm.

Talked to some friends from home on Skype (evan and darah) and then went to the office about 8:30 to make some follow up phone calls.

Tomorrow we’re going to have a bonfire at the beach; our friends here are awesome! Even though they’re all busy with work and school, they make plans that Dave and I can participate in, since we are out of town on Fridays and Saturdays.

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