Friday, March 17, 2006

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Small yet powerful – the answer I would give someone if they asked me, “How was your CASP group this week?” Honestly, Dave and I haven’t seen better mock interviews – their Power Statements and overall performances were impressing!

Here’re a few snaps of the crew. The first was normal:

The second was supposed to be a funny picture; I think I was the only one that got the message.

Tonight we arrived a little after 6 at the Institute, and Irmã Bete was already there with an Italian dinner waiting for us; she’s such a sweet lady.

Due to the smaller number of participants, we were able to have longer debates and share more personal experiences, I think they enjoyed that. Over all, it was a successful CASP this week!

This morning, I was awaken by a phone call from the Sisters asking if we could sit in on a lesson they would be giving Anchieta at the chapel. It was 10:00 am when she called, and Dave was already at the SRE because Paulo and Caroline from the CASP course wanted to use the computers and telephones in their job searches. I was already planning on switching places with Dave at 10:30, so instead he was nice and stayed in the SRE while I sat in on the missionary lesson.

Shortly before heading off to teach our course this evening, we got an email from Curitiba saying their CASP had been canceled and that we didn’t have to make the 5 hour trip up there this weekend – to be honest, I was relieved.

The night ended with some interesting conversations on MSN – ha.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Geoff, you're the only one making a funny face in that second one. ;)