Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Words cannot describe the emotions that were felt at the end of today’s course. As the closing prayer was said, a sound was heard that I didn’t expect – noses sniffing, and tears crawling down cheeks. They were truly grateful for what they had learned, and it made my heart content; just another of many reasons why I’m so grateful I am apart of this program.

Here is our group photo:

8:00 am class is tough, especially when you get in about 2 in the morning, but I was impressed that most of the class arrived on time – only three people from yesterday’s class didn’t bother showing up. The rest of us had a great time: sharing experiences, learning, and completing the course.

By 4:30 pm we were getting a ride from one of the CASP participants to Maiko’s house where we were invited to hang out until we caught our bus for São José. They had a pirated version of Narnia that we watched – good message, but not sure how much I liked the movie; I actually slept through the first 30 minutes.

We called a taxi and rushed to the bus terminal by 8 pm and said our goodbyes to Natália who was going back to her house. Twenty minutes later our bus came, and back to home (São José) we went, arriving a little after 11:30.

The rest of my night and early Sunday morning was spent preparing for Sunday’s Sunday-school lesson I had been asked to teach.

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