Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Friday, March 10, 2006

The rain poured as we climbed out of the taxi in front of the Itajaí chapel; it was locked, so we scurried to a nearby shelter. Also patiently waiting were three other soon-to-be CASP participants.

From São José, Dave and I took the 4:30 pm bus to Itajaí, arriving a little before 7. Walking through the bus terminal, by chance, we ran into two of our friends from the CASEI (the single adults conference), Natália and Angelita. Dave served his mission with Angelita’s husband, Maiko, and so the five of us were planning on hanging out after the CASP course tonight; since they were going somewhere near the church, too, they hitched a ride and we dropped them off a few blocks before the chapel.

At 7:30 pm, in a side classroom with 15 or so desks filled to capacity, we started the evening’s course. I was pleased with the turnout – everyone participated well and seemed to really enjoy the course. Before we knew it, 10:30 arrived and we were saying our goodnights, reminding them about their few pages of homework and that class would start the next morning at 8.

Waiting in the cultural hall was Maiko, Angelita and Natália, who accompanied us to our hotel (Ibis) and waited as Dave and I got out of our teaching-clothes.

By 11 or so we had walked a few blocks to a nearby Pizzaria – but don’t worry, it was nothing like yesterday’s. This pizza was good!

We had a fun night just hanging out, joking around. I don’t even remember what time we finally got in, but it was early – in the morning.

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