Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday, March 6, 2006

I went to the Telestial Kingdom this time! What luck.

Dave and I were invited to a joint FHE with Valdmiria & Ruben’s family (the same family where we’ve been having our other FHEs) and Valdmiria’s sister’s family’s house – Eliane & Eber and their four kids. Their little girl gave a great 10 minute lesson (I was very impressed) and then we played Dave’s game of Life, just like we did two weeks ago. This time I didn’t get the results I would have liked and ended up going to the Telestial. Ha…

After FHE, Eber started asking me questions about what kind of camera he should buy and other photography questions – well, of course that got me going and I was eager to help.

It was a fun night. When I get the group picture we took, I’ll post it below:

This morning I was up, showered and at the SRE by 10 to 10; Dave and I helped the Cossio’s with more training and organizing of the SRE office. After lunch, Aldo came by and I helped him with adjusting his work fliers, and Ingridy came by and showed us some great websites where we could find more information on job openings in the state. She herself found quite a few; it was a productive day. It ended with Dave and I being called by a brother from the church to help him move his fridge… that we did with Aldo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Geoff!
Just to make u know i'm passing by.. Hahahahaha
I like your blog very much and dont think I dont read it, coz' I do...
U know, u have a great talent to write. Have u ever thought about working with sthing related to that?
And, of course, u have some very nice pics here! I like your photographs very much. And I really want to 'meet' your camera! Hhehehhe
So, that's it