Monday, March 06, 2006

Sunday, March 5, 2006

Why is it we always forget to buy food for Sunday? I was taking a shower after the dance and realized, “shoot, the stores are closed and tomorrow’s Sunday.” We ate light today; we’ll just leave it at that.

Before church began I went by Pedro Pimentel’s to see how his family was doing. (Reminder: Pedro is my Home Teaching partner.) The mother was getting the two little girls ready and the teenager was playing with his birds. They were happy to see me, which made for a nice visit.

Church was actually really good today. The Stake President gave a combined RS & EQ lesson that was really powerful. The testimony meeting was so full I barely had a chance to share a quick word towards the end.

At 5 pm there was a special fireside – the men met at the Kobrasol chapel, while all the women held a conference at the Forquilinhas chapel. It was an inspirational missionary fireside where each family was given a Preach My Gospel book.

My Sunday was finished its usual way – catching up on my blog, and chatting with family and friends until late into the night.

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