Sunday, March 05, 2006

Thursday, March 2, 2006

We’ve made some good friends from the CASEI trip. This evening we got to hang out w/ some of them: Daisy, Leandro, Flávia and Luiza. We met at the Floripa bus terminal at 8 pm where Daisy picked us up and we drove out near the Historical Center of São José. There, we picked one of many restaurants along the shore and bought some shrimp appetizers, fried cheese cubes, and French fries, along w/ our variety of juices.

It was fun company; we played a variety of games… if only I could remember what they were called. And then walked along the beach to a little peninsula of rocks were we all sat and enjoyed the lights of the Island and the cool ocean breeze. We got home about 12:30 am.

Like my Avaí jersey? It's what I got from the team. :)

Earlier in the day I slept until about 1 pm, since I had stayed up until about 4 am chatting online. The rest of the day was spent at the SRE helping the Cassios and doing other odds and ends. I really need to find more time to do my homework! :)

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