Sunday, March 05, 2006

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

When I was little I used to get motion sickness in airplanes and in the car. My mother used to always tell me to concentrate on the road and that would make me feel better. As we road home from Mafra, the young boy behind me got sick. Yeah, it was pretty gross; I could hear pretty much everything. But I quickly remembered my mother’s council and went to talk w/ the bus driver. He, “Alemão”, is a very nice guy and said there was no problem letting the kid sit in the front of the bus. So as I went and talked to the boy to sit in the front cab of the bus, Marcelo Dalla Rosa was a nice friend and carried his puke to the bathroom (sorry, did you not want to know that?).

Since nobody went to bed until after 4 am, we got a late start on the day. After a late breakfast we had our closing ceremonies; we got to vote on a few awards from the Conference. They were… biggest flirt, life of the party, best new couple and funniest. David won the ‘life of the party’ award. His crazy break dancing and other skills made him the hottest partner to dance with. To end, we had a more spiritual message and then I was asked to share my testimony with four other people; it was a nice experience.

Here’s a picture of the CASEI 2006 group (minus Marcelo Carioca who flew back to Rio early in the morning):

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