Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Wednesday, 1, 23:30 hours

Parts of today reminded me of the mission. Walking in the noon-day sun for almost about an hour straight was what did it. You see, last night Dave and I received and email from BYU requesting that we go to the Federal Police Station and register with our passports there. So, being obedient we went (instead of taking the bus to an unknown place on the island – we paid about he same price for the hotel van to drop us off in the police station parking lot. Good deal.) and then waited in line for a good thirty minutes. Two minutes after my number had been called, I was done w/ my interview… the man said we did not have to register since our Visa’s clearly said we could be in Brazil for 90 days each.

Since the Police station was on the “Beira do Mar” we, Dave and I, wanted to see the view and walk the biking/running trail along the ocean for a bit. As we walked we saw downtown was fairly close (ha... look how close in the picture), so we decided to walk to it while going to the bus stop downtown. The walk ended up being a little longer than expected, but the nice part was being able to stop when we wanted, look inside some shops and buy some juice (goiaba, which is my favorite – guava in english) and relax - take pictures, or whatever. Eventually we made it to the bus stop and got home shortly after.

Here are a few pictures I took along the walk...
This is Florianópolis from Florianópolis:

This is across the ocean from Florianópolis:

This is from a look out point over looking the bridge (the bridge is under constuction, hense why this picture turned out better):

The rest of the afternoon I did some reading for my classes, and then we went to the SRE office in the church and tried calling a few more people and organizing a bit.

We then came back to our apartment and waited for 8 oclock cause that was when we thought Tiago, our buddy from church, was going to meet up w/ us to go to a pizzaria. So… he never showed up. About 9 we called him and then walked the short distance to where they were eating pizza.

The pizza wasn’t that great, but it was filling and relatively cheap for an all you can eat.

1 comment:

Lauren Palmer said...

I must admit, guava juice is my favourite fruit juice...