Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

According to Understanding Contemporary Latin America by Richard S. Hillman, before Spanish and Portuguese explorers discovered the Americas, the population exceeded 50 million inhabitants. In 150 years, 90% of those inhabitants died due to a number or reasons (war and disease are a few). It took almost 400 years for Latin America to repopulate what took 150 years to lose.

So I’ve been studying a lot these last couple days, trying to keep on top of my studies. This weekend we won’t have much time to study because we’re going to Joinville to teach on Friday and Saturday, and Florianópolis is having Stake Conference on Sunday.

It’s been raining off and on; I finally bought an umbrella today, and some clothes hangers J.

When we weren’t studying, we were at the SRE office following up with last year’s participants to see if they’ve found work. Thos who have always had fun stories they wanted to share. Most everyone was pleasant on the phone… but it’s normal to come across a few that must have been having a bad day and don’t have the patience or desire to listen to an American accent.

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