Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sunday, February 12, 2006

In mid-afternoon, from our 6th floor window, I noticed a strong rainbow shining across the São José sky. To get on party-deck on the roof one needs to be accompanied by a hotel employee; after a quick phone call, he was on his way up, and I took the stairs to the top floor.

A ladder caught my attention as I crossed the deck; actually, it was 3 ladders strung together. “Hey, can I climb that too?” I jokingly asked the hotel employee, who was about my age. “Sure.” I kind of bit my tongue, “um, have you ever done it?” He smiled, “No.”

So… I climbed. Here is the picture that resulted.

Earlier in the day David and I went to the Florianópolis Stake Conference in the Centro de Convenções on the island. Elder Arnold of the Seventy and Area President of Brazil – South presided over and spoke at the conference.

The rest of the day Dave and I just took it easy and caught up on some lost sleep.

Since we got in so late, we didn’t have time to buy any groceries – not much in our apartment, so Sunday’s meals consisted of Ramen noodle. Emmmm, yum.

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