Monday, February 20, 2006

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Last Sunday I got to do a web conference with Scott and see his new baby girl. Here’s a look:

With aim, webcams, skype, msn, I feel like I’m still just a few hours away from my family. Sundays are my day I sit for hours talking (mostly skype) with family and friends. David can attest to that… I hope I don’t disturb his sleep. Oops.

Last night I got an interesting, random call on skype from a gay, brazilian man living in boston. I guess he saw on my skype ID it said I was living in brazil and just called me. When I answered his call I answered in Portuguese, thinking it would throw him off, but I didn’t realize he spoke Portuguese… so that didn’t work. When the conversation turned to religion (which of course it did since that’s the main reason why I’ve been in Brazil through out the past 3 years) it got pretty interesting, as I’m sure you can imagine. But luckily that wasn’t that highlight of my day.

This evening Pedro Pimentel and I did some home teaching visits. Pedro and his family are new to the church and thus he hasn’t had much experience with home teaching; he did a great job, though he was quite nervous. We visited the family of Claudio, his wife and 19-year-old daughter. They had a pretty neat story of ‘faith and trials’ relating to their temple marriage that went along perfectly with this month’s Liahona message.

Before our visits David and I were at the chapel from 6 pm to 7:45 pm watching the replay of last weeks worldwide training video about families. It was a packed house with leaders from all over the Stake; I think most people thought the training was live, and they even tried to play it off as live, but the “play” and “stop” projected on the wall kind of gave it away; that, and seeing on that the conference was given last week.

Church meetings were normal, nothing too exciting or different.

Lunch consisted of roman noodle and a ham & cheese sandwich I made during breakfast, put in our fridge, and microwaved after church. Oh, and a banana.

To practice my Spanish, Sunday has been my day to watch the General Conference DVD in Spanish. Está bien.

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