Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tuesday, 10, 10:56 pm

It was a very enjoyable day today. Got up about 7:15, took a shower and then went down for a quick breakfast. Training started at the same church as yesterday at 8:00 am. Today we went through some more training but by the end of the day they had us practicing teaching the workshop in small groups. It was nice to finally get some teaching experience. During our break time we even got to play knockout and dodge ball. It was just like recess J.

At 5:00 pm David and I walked down to the U’s bookstore and I purchased colored pencils and a glue stick so I could come back to the hotel and finish my photography application. Unfortunately I didn’t read every line of instruction on the application until I was done cutting up and coloring this one section called the “creative” part. When I read all the application it said I could not cut up the squares like I had done. So in the next 30 minutes I quickly drew some interesting shapes and ideas. I hope I get accepted!

At about 8:10 pm my friends from Provo showed up. Both the cars got lost, but I was able to coach them how to get here and I was out on the sidewalk looking for them when they each arrived about the same time. Those who came were: Colin Moor, Rubia Fagundes, Michael Priddy, Jared Wilkerson, Stacey Orton (jared’s fiancĂ©), Craig Gincho, and his girlfriend (I forget her name… oops… but she’s Italian). It was way nice of them to come see me and we went to Hire’s Big-H for food and ice cream. It was fun.

Now I need to read my scriptures and study the workshop in Portuguese a little before bed.

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