Thursday, January 12, 2006

Friday, 13, 2:46 am

So the things I will quickly write have to do w/ yesterday, Thursday the 12th. I am really tired so I’m just going to give some highlights.

Landus Hulbrook and Jan van Orman from BYU came and talked to us about safety and security issues and what are some shocks we should expect and how to deal with surprises and things. It was a good day of class.

After class David, Daniel, Ryan, Ryan, Rachael and I went to the Salt Lake Temple for the 7:15 pm session. It was great to feel the spirit and it helped me put life into perspective, again.

Then we walked around down town around Temple Square, looking for a place to eat but since it was later everywhere was closed. We helped a crippled, homeless man by giving him some change, even though we would have rather bought him some food he said he was just about to catch his ride so we did the best we could and gave him some change. Though he could likely be lying about the ride and really just wanted the money, I did my part and I trusted/believed in him and so the weight’s on his shoulders.

We ordered Papa John’s pizza to the hotel for dinner. We ate in the lobby with Danielle and Dave. Before we went to the temple I let Danielle borrow my computer to do a test for one of her classes or something.

After dinner and everyone left, Danielle and I played chess on my computer. She had taught herself earlier in the night just by reading the directions, and so I wanted to help her learn a little more. She’s really good for a first timer.

A cool experience happened while we were playing. Tyler, a speed skater we had met the night before, was on the computer near by and I was joking w/ him about how he leg wrestled and beat Jeff the night before. After he was done w/ his computer time he came and sat by us and started chatting. And then he brought up questions he had about ‘Mormons’ and the church. It was very interesting and Danielle and I were glad we could be there to clarify a few things. He started off with questions about tithing, and then that led to sharing about fast offerings and how the church helps worldwide. Then we talked about BYU standards and shaving, drinking, chastity. And the conversations went around for about 20 minutes. I hope it made a lasting impression and one day he’ll be open enough to want to learn more.

After that Danielle and I went to read scriptures on the 3rd floor, and as we were just discussing a few ideas we had about the creation and the war in heaven, Eric and Jeff showed up from their night in Provo. So they chatted and we had a good time for about 15 minutes, and then Eric went to bed while Jeff with his English, Danielle with her Spanish, and me with my Portuguese Books of Mormon read from 2 Nephi 9:1-17. Then we split and it’s really late so we should get to bed.

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